Houston Blogger Meetup!

December 7, 2014
I went to my third blogger meetup in Houston yesterday and let me tell you--it was a TON of fun! I love the friendships that I'm making through this little blog and can't wait to make more memories with these wonderful ladies!

What's a teacher meetup without margaritas?? I got to meet this sweet gal, Katie, from Mrs. Decatur's Little Gators. We discovered we are both die-hard Cowboys fans...more about that a little later!

I love this girl! I swear Stephanie (Mrs. D's Corner) and I are the same person in different bodies. Keep reading to see what she got for her Secret Santa gift!

Actually, all three of us are huge Cowboys fans. Stephanie was even brave enough to root for them when she went home for Thanksgiving...she's from Pennsylvania. Eagles territory. That's a true fan there, y'all. Can't wait for that road trip to Arlington next season girls! :)

This was a Secret Santa meetup too! It was so fun picking out a gift and watching everyone open theirs. It was luck of the draw and I happened to get Stephanie! We have so much in common, including being terrible cooks. So when I saw this cookbook I HAD to get it for her! 

It was so perfect I had to get one for myself too. Maybe we'll be blogging about our culinary adventures...

My Secret Santa was Donna from Math Coach's Corner. What a sweet, sweet lady, y'all! She gave me a candle and gift card, and she even got Chip some dog treats! I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason- I'll be starting grad school in the spring (Guns up!) and want to specialize in STEM education. How crazy is it that my Secret Santa is a math curriculum genius?! I'll be picking her brain now for sure! 

If you don't know  Megan from I Teach. What's Your Superpower? you've been living under a rock. What an amazingly talented woman. I wish I had a smidgen of her creativity. Her blog designs are gorgeous-- I'll soon be requesting one of my own. And some Cowboys digital paper for Katie, Stephanie and me while you're at it Megan?? ;-)

This meetup wouldn't have been possible if it weren't for this hilarious gal, Sandy, from ELA Everyday. She loves football too (seriously, if you live in Texas, it's kind of a requirement that you like football). Even though she's a Texans fan...and a Baylor Bear... and I'm a Cowboys fan and a new Red Raider...I still love her! Does that top photo not crack you up!? 

I think this picture takes the prize for the day! I was trying to "steal" her Cowboys cup she got for her gift. If it had been a white elephant exchange, this may have gone down for reals. ;-)

Truly, what a blast this was. After the week I had I needed those two hours of laughter with some amazing women/educators who understand 100% what each of us goes through on a daily basis. Even though teaching is one of THE toughest jobs, it's one of the most REWARDING ones as well. Not just when your students "get it," but the support system you have with your colleagues. I don't think there's any other career that creates bonds as special as those between teacher friends! Love you ladies!!

With that said...9 instructional days until Christmas break!


  1. How FUN!!!! Looks like you ladies had a great time!

  2. Great blog post, Destiny! It was a fun afternoon, and you captured it well. My mouth still puckers thinking about how sour those margaritas were! See you at the next meet-up. :)

    Math Coach’s Corner


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